"Invest in yourself, invest in your career and invest in a successful future".
Performance Coaching
Anna-Marie crafts industrious and dynamic partnerships with professional clients through a personalised performance coaching process. Every client experience is tailored to accommodate personal preference, purpose and desired outcomes.
The fundamental performance coaching framework package moves through four stages of performance coaching in a number of 45-90 minute sessions. These conversations can be held face to face, on Skype or via telephone to suit your work commitments. There is also the opportunity to extend or consolidate sessions dependent on individual requirements and desired outcomes. Find out further details about the performance coaching process here.
Anna-Marie has been recognised as one of the Top Performance Coaches by Coach Foundation.
Profile Tools
The Extended DISC® (eDISC®) and Inventory for Work Attitude and Motivation (iWAM®) online personal analysis profile tools generate individual reports containing a combination of visual aids and descriptors. These results are deconstructed during a facilitated feedback coaching session to provide clarity on work-based opportunities, areas for development, current stressors and opportunities for improving performance.
Dedicated focus break-through sessions are a powerful experience in which the four stages of performance coaching are condensed to focus on the resolution of a specific issue. Learn more about the performance coaching process here. Clients successfully achieve their original perceived outcomes within a short time frame, discover new enlightening perspectives and move beyond their previous constructed boundaries. This systematic shift in thought and behaviour regularly opens further opportunities for performance coaching as clients decide to engage with the process over an extended time period and reap additional successes.
Coaching Workshops
Anna-Marie designs and facilitates experiential workshops allowing delegates to explore ideas surrounding coaching, leadership, wellbeing, resilience and performance. Each session provides bespoke support to individual development, driving wider change at an organisational level and across wider networks. For Anna-Marie, the key is to set the scene with evidence-based research, before providing space for conversations to unfold with key prompts and powerful coaching questions.
Examples of workshop are: Basic Coaching Skills for the British Army Educational and Training Services (2017), the Psychology of Adventure (2017) at the Women's Adventure Expo, the Coaching Walkshop at the International Coach Federation UK Chapter Annual Conference (2018 & 2019), Walking and Talking Coaching session at the London Coaching Group (2019) and presenting ideas taking coaching outdoors in Step Outside to students on the Coaching and Behavioural Change Masters programme at Henley Business School (2018).
Motivational Speaking
Anna-Marie shares ideas from her two main passions in life; sustainable performance and the power of the outdoor space. She blends the latest research with her professional and personal experiences from her career as a British Army officer, international lifestyle and successful endurance sports performance career.
Examples of previous events are: How to be a Business Athlete at the Glove Factory Rooster Talks networking event, How to Adopt an Athletic Mindset at Computerworld Lunch and Learn series and Finding Your Flow at Wiltshire Women in Business Networking event, XNRG Ultra, WAA Athlete meet-up and the Elite Sports and Performance Conference at the ExCEL.
"The 'Coaching Walkshop' session was great - light touch and practical"
"The highlight was the "Coaching Workshop" which has inspired me to make immediate tweaks to my coaching."
Feedback from the International Coach Federation
Annual Conference, London, April 2018
"The event was a great success; well organised and carefully planned. The informal surroundings aided openness and conviviality and this allowed attendees to push deeper with questions.
Anna-Marie's personal facilitation techniques were very professional, relaxed yet attentive and very mindful of key deliverables and goal driven."
Charlie, Managing Director Haute Pursuit, France