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A reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way.


A settled way of thinking or feeling about something.
Oxford English Dictionary

Personal analysis profile tools are an excellent starting point for performance coaching. The Inventory of Work Attitudes and Motivators (iWAM®) is an online self-assessment profile tool that identifies an individual’s unconscious key motivational and attitudes towards their work. These motivational and attitudinal patterns are powerful influencers on personality, emotions, competencies and behaviour, and are a major component in predicting performance levels in various given contexts.

iWAM® identifies and measures motivational, attitudes, decision-making, communication, time management and organisational drivers very differently to the standard psychometric tests such as MBTI® or eDISC®, which instead focus on behaviour. Find out more about eDISC® here.
iWAM Spiral Graph
The iWAM® spiral graph ranks the 48 different meta-programs for based on Neuro-Linguistic Programming cognitive-behavioural patterns for an individual
Information from the online iWAM® profile tool is consolidated into a comprehensive management report that includes descriptions of individual motivational and attitudinal preferences and development areas evaluated against 48 Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) cognitive-behavioural thinking styles or “meta-program” patterns (see spiral graph opposite for example). These patterns are compared against a selected local cultural group e.g. UK, the Middle East, Australia etc. and the language that can be used to motivate these individual's.
Everyone has the ability to behave against their natural motivational and attitudinal patterns in a given context - but this takes far more energy. It's important to note that iWAM® preferences and development areas are not linked to an individual’s abilities.
The main benefits of iWAM® are discovered during a facilitated coaching session working with a professionally iWAM® accredited coach. Information is deconstructed through powerful questions to provide clarity on work-based opportunities, areas for development and current stressors, and ensures the performance coaching process assists in improving the client's performance. 
iWAM® can be used to support individuals with career development, progression and transition, business development, communication skills, team work, self-awareness and transformational change 
iWAM® can be used to support organisations at the individual, pair or team level with recruitment, training, team building, professional development, communications skills, coaching, change management, conflict resolution, and cultural change. 
Organisations such as Toyota, BOC Gas, BMW, Fox Sports, XstrataCoal, Ford Motor Company, Lincoln Industrial and the Dutch Police Force have integrated iWAM® into their coaching processes.
"When I began exploring the use of iWAM with Anna-Marie I was predominately interested in discovering more about my natural tendencies within the work environment in order to shape future career development.
By the end of the experience I learnt so much more
I was surprised to see how easily the results could be transposed into my career, relationships and personal life, and I feel excited by the possibilities that these new insights will give me."
Sarah, Research Fellow, Newcastle
iWAM Logo

The iWAM® profile tools evaluates motivational and attitudes towards work whereas in comparison eDISC® focuses at behaviour level. Compare how the eDISC® and iWAM® profile tools will meet your requirements in this download here. Be in touch in find out more here

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