Performance coaching is an ongoing conversations facilitating transformational change and fostering success in every aspect of your life. Positive psychology, expert performance, mindfulness, experiential learning, neuroscience, NLP and sports psychology are combined to support the examination of your values and beliefs, help you to develop new strategies, maximise your resources and set new goals. Our performance coaching process moves through four stages using a diverse range of tools and is individually adapted to personal preferences and learning styles to encourage active conversation.
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started”
Agatha Christie

Communications skills
Team relationships
Change and transition
Conflict resolution
Behaviour change
"Stuck in a rut"
Productivity and performance
Career decisions
Emotional awareness

Business Organisations
Management and team-building training
Communications skills and conflict resolution
Organisational management
Talent recognition
Performance management
Productivity and performance
Task allocation
Project planning
Customer service
Conflict Resolution
Career Succession Planning
Anna-Marie is an accredited coach with the largest professional global association for coaching International Coach Federation (ICF). The ICF is committed to maintaining and promoting excellence and expects all accredited coaches to adhere to the elements and principles of ethical conduct: to be competent and integrate ICF Core Competencies effectively in their work. Further information can be found here.
Individuals and companies who work with Anna-Marie embark on a journey to change their professional and personal lives to become more successful. Performance coaching has supported individuals and companies in a wide range of areas that are mutually supportive, intrinsically linked and ultimately affect performance.
The first step in performance coaching is writing a simple message, sending a text or making a phone call. This single action sets in motion a series of events that will make powerful changes to your life.
Our initial taster conversation provides a space to discuss individual or business opportunities, challenges and desired outcomes from performance coaching. This open and honest two-way discussion helps identify our styles, similarities and differences that will indicate whether the right connection resonates and form the basis of a successful professional working relationship together.
A successful and strong performance coaching partnership is built upon mutual trust, proactive engagement and open communication. Performance coaching involves an element of financial, temporal and emotional commitment that both parties acknowledge and respect.
"People do not achieve the pinnacle of their performance alone. High performers have supportive relationships, whether with a coach, a teacher, a mentor, a friend, a boss, or another type of person"
George Kohlrieser, Care to Dare
The success of our performance coaching partnership is measured through the achievement of various internal and external milestones. These can be external indicators and/or internal indicators of success can be linked together.
During our first scheduled coaching conversation together, we will discuss possible outcomes and formulate workable options for you to select. It is important to choose meaningful and relevant indicators for your current situation. These indicators will facilitate your ability to evaluate your return on investment from our work together and the success of your desired outcomes.

External Indicators
External indicators are generally quantifiable, observable and can be influenced by the client.
Examples of external indicators are:
Achievement of coaching goals established at the start of the coaching process
Increased income or revenue
Promotion at work
Positive performance feedback from colleagues, manager, customers, family or friends dependent on area of focus

Internal indicators are more subjective, qualitative and personal.
Examples of internal indicators are:
Self-scoring or self-validating mechanisms
Changes in self-awareness of perception
Increased confidence
Shift in emotional state
Internal Indicators
At first glance, a performance coaching session may look and sound like an everyday conversation. However, this cursory observation overlooks the deep dialogue created between both participants, and the powerful combination of active listening, exploration and talking.
These discovery-based, focused conversations are created through the timely integration of powerful questions, constructive framing of observations and consistent feedback to elicit positive responses. The eDISC® behaviour and iWAM® motivator tools provide objective information which can be used to enhance self-awareness and interaction with others can also be added to the performance coaching process. Find out more here.
“A good coach doesn’t solve your problems for you” Art Markman
The coach and client have different responsibilities and contributions to uphold within the performance coaching partnership. These guidelines are adapted from International Coach Federation (ICF) guidelines and summarised below. It is definitely worth a moment of reflection to consider whether you have the commitment and desire to engage fully with the performance coaching process now! Learn more about how coaching is right for you with the ICF's 'Feeling Stuck' decision framework.

Coach Responsibilities
Offer ongoing, objective observations and assessments to help you develop self-awareness and awareness of others
Display active listening to develop a well-rounded picture of your circumstances
Helps you to explore possibilities and implement thoughtful planning and decision-making
Champions opportunities and potential, encouraging stretch and challenge
Commensurate with personal strengths and aspirations
Fosters shifts in thinking that reveal fresh perspectives
Challenges blind spots to illuminate new possibilities and supports the creation of alternative scenarios
Maintains professional boundaries in the coaching relationship, including confidentiality, and adheres to the ICF coaching profession's Code of Ethics.